Are You A Young Dancer Preparing for Pointe Work Or A Teacher Of Ballet
Released on = January 30, 2007, 2:24 am
Press Release Author = lisa howell
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = A fantastic new resource in the education of young dancers was launched this week - and promises to put specific exercises and testing tools essential to a dancers safe progression into pointe shoes
Press Release Body = A fantastic new resource in the education of young dancers was launched this week - and promises to put specific exercises and testing tools essential to a dancers safe progression into pointe shoes, once exclusively available in private therapy sessions with a Specialized Dance Physical Therapist, within the reach of every young dancer.
Called "The Perfect Pointe Book", this innovative dancing companion was designed by Lisa Howell, a Dance (Physiotherapist) Physical Therapist based in Sydney Australia. Her company, Perfect Form Physiotherapy has developed a unique system of preparing girls for the demands of pointe work, which will enable any aspiring dancer to dramatically accelerate the development of the mobility, strength and knowledge needed to progress on to pointe shoes safely.
Lisa is a respected practitioner, well known in local dancing circles for her dramatic results with young dancers and professionals alike. She is passionate about the education of dancers and their relationship with their own body, not only to prevent injury, but to extend the boundaries of what each dancer believes is possible.
The 'Perfect Pointe Book' is a 124 page downloadable 'e-book' manual. It takes the girls systematically though a series of tests and exercises, organised into four easy stages, and is rapidly finding its way into the eager hands of the worldwide online dance community.
Each stage has at least two tests for the dancer to complete, with clear photographs and a check-list to ensure all parts of the test are performed correctly. The tests are followed by detailed descriptions of what each weakness identified may mean, and a program of exercises, all beautifully illustrated, that address each of these areas. The focus is on education, including the anatomy of each area, as well as exactly why strength in that area is so vital.
"It is one thing to know that you need to 'be strong enough' to progress onto pointe shoes; it is completely something else to know exactly how to test for specific weaknesses and the correct strengthening exercises for each of those weaknesses. This guide is the first that allows young dancers, and their teachers, to work out exactly where their weaknesses lie, in order to make their training exercises as targeted, and therefore as effective, as possible. This book provides those much needed tools in a fun, easy to read, interactive format!" said Lisa Howell.
Lisa has also created a FREE weekly Dancers Newsletter, to answer any specific questions dancers may have in relation to pointe work, or any other dance related topics.
"'The Perfect Pointe Book' is the first product of a series designed to educate dancers as they progress through the grades and vocational training on their way to pursue dance as a profession. My aim is develop a comprehensive system that educates dance students through fun and interactive courses and products, so that they can enjoy long careers, avoiding many of the easily preventable chronic injuries that plague many current professional dancers." Lisa enthused.
"Often dance teachers find the specifics of training the foot strength needed for pointe difficult as it came naturally to them. However for many people, the isolated strength needed in the feet must be specifically trained, especially as many children who grow up in cities spend little time bare foot on different surfaces, which naturally trains the tiny intrinsic muscles of the feet. Gaining strength and awareness of these muscles early in their dance training is absolutely priceless in its power to reduce blisters, pain and injury en pointe,' said Lisa.
Feedback from dance students and teachers alike has been astounding in the short time this book has been available to the public. \" The Perfect Pointe Book fills a wide gap in the education of ballet students in many countries. Lisa Howell is well qualified to answer all the \"questions you have always wanted to ask\" about pointe work and gives generously of her knowledge in terms which everyone (teachers, students and parents) can understand. The best thing about this book is that shows the student how best to prepare for pointe work and how to improve and maintain their strength for further training. This book can be highly recommended as a tool for teachers as well as students of classical ballet. \" volunteered Jane Allyn (ARAD, Former Soloist and Company Teacher, now Co-Director of Ecole Ballet Studios, Sydney, Australia )
To learn more about 'The Perfect Pointe Book' and Lisa's FREE Dancers Newsletter, visit her website:
Media contact: Lisa Howell (B.Phty), Website:
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Contact Details = Suite 904, 121 Walker St North Sydney NSW Australia +61 2 9922 7721
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